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Fridge Refresh

It's been a bit of a hectic summer, and with settling into my new post-uni life, sticking to a healthy food and fitness 'regime' hasn't been easy. Trips to the seaside, birthdays, and general summery-ness has meant fish and chips, ice cream and one too many 'rest' days (more like, rest weeks).

{Finding balance without restrictions}

I'm sure I'm not the only one whose let things slip a little too far (kudos to those that haven't), but it's happened, I've had a good summer and I don't regret one bite! That being said, I've still my original goals in mind, and with a bit of time off, I'm ready to get back to where I was at the start of summer; exercising, eating better but still keeping that balance on check.

I've put together a list of my ultimate food staples that help me keep on track and hit my macros, which act as a go-to when my diet starts to get too flexible. I'm no nutrition expert, but I've managed to craft a pretty solid diet, and by sticking to these foods I've seen major improvements with my weight and general health and happiness. If you're wanting to do a bit of a diet refresh, and feel a bit lost as where to start, the following foods are great staples everyone should have in their fridge (unless you're allergic/ intolerant).


Chicken, chicken... And more chicken - it’s lean, pretty affordable and very versatile. Make sure you cook it well; dry chicken breast gets unappetising pretty quickly

Lean beef/ turkey mince - it's so quick to cook. Whether in a chilli, formed into burgers, or simply seasoned and lightly fried, I could literally eat it all day

Protein powder - I always try my best to get the majority of my protein macros through proper food, but when they're running a little low, I like to top it up with protein shake or mix the powder into pancakes or yoghurt, which is also another great staple


As I suffer from IBS, I try my hardest to stick to a Low FODMAP diet, as it massively reduces bloat and tummy discomfort, but it can be a little limiting, especially when choosing my carb macros. Foods such as bread, pasta and even fruits and vegetables like apples, watermelon and mushrooms can trigger my IBS, I have to avoid garlic and onion like the plague!

Rice, potato and oats - my main carbs, simple, yummy and filling

Veg - broccoli, green beans, kale and spinach making up the bulk of my veg intake

I prefer to limit my fruit intake, simply due to the higher levels of fructose than in veg, again to avoid triggering my IBS, so I only stock up on bananas, usually having at least one a day, and sometimes supplement this with blueberries, strawberries and raspberries, when I fancy it.

Being a bread addict, it's not always possible to completely cut it out, and if I really want it, then I'll have it. Seriously, who can resist peanut butter on toast?


With having a lower carb diet, I make sure to fill up my calories from good, healthy fat sources. My body is more carb-sensitive so this macro ratio fits me perfectly.

Oils - Olive, coconut, and even from oily fish such as salmon or mackerel, are healthy, natural and they taste bloomin’ good

Peanut butter, dark chocolate and eggs - my absolute go-to choices to get my fats in for the day, and if it fits, I usually have a small amount of cheese too

I always have a packet of seeds or nuts lying around, chia, pumpkin, almond or a bag of flaxseed, to snack on or add to smoothies, or salads for a little crunch. They're great for filling up your fibre macros too.

{It's not healthy to be hungry}

So yeah, that's pretty much it. Throw in some pizza here and there, and a good helping of mayo and I would say that's a pretty balanced diet. This is what I eat on a daily basis, it's what I like, what has got the weight off, and what keeps me healthy and happy. Eating healthy shouldn't be hard, it should be enjoyable and filling.

P.s don't forget to drink your water.

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